Prvotna ideja je bila naslednja: na kartonu, "preoblečenem" v pisan, staroverski papir za zavijanje daril, bosta prilepljeni dve ali več sličic lepih dam iz zgodovine, ki sem jih pred nekaj leti snemala z wikipedije (za nek drug projekt). Vsaka sličica bo imela kvačkan zlat okvir. Če bo prostor, bo poleg še na roke narisana stilska mizica z vazo s kvačkanimi rožicami. Ker sem hotela klasičen format razglednice, sličice, ki sem jih izbrala in natisnila, pa so bile precej velike, je torej mizica z vazo odpadla, na kartici pa je ostala le ena dama.
Carolina Augusta, avstrijska cesarica |
The original idea was the following: on a card, "dressed" in a colorful, vintage-looking wrapping paper, would be glued two or more pictures of pretty ladies from history. I downloaded these a few years ago from Wikipedia (for another project). Each portrait would have crocheted golden frame. If the space allows there would also be hand-drawn antique table with a vase full of crocheted flowers. Because I wanted a classic postcards format, but pictures I've chosen and printed, were quite large, the table and vase fell out of the plan, therefore only one lady remained on the card.
Fanny Elssler, avstrijska plesalka |
Okviji so bili skvačkani iz treh vrst zlate niti. Ena je malo debelejša, ena ima barvo starega zlata in je je zmanjkalo prvega maja zjutraj, tretja pa je v barvi novega zlata. Vzorce sem si sproti zmišljevala.
Frames were crocheted of three sorts of golden thread. One is a little thicker, one has the color of old gold and I ran out of it in the morning of May 1st, the third has the color of bright gold. I made patterns out of my head as I was working.
Ker sem sličice snemala z wikipedije nekaj let nazaj in si za nekatere nisem zapisala, kdo so, ima imena samo polovica dam. Poleg avstrijske cesarice Caroline Auguste in avstrijske plesalke Fanny Elssler so tu še nemška pevka Henriette Sontag, francoska slikarka Pauline Auzou in Caroline von Humboldt, žena ali hči (obe sta imeli enako ime) nemškega filozofa Wilhelma von Humboldta. Ostale so verjetno pripadnice evropskih vladarskih in plemiških družin.
Henriette Sontag, nemška pevka |
Because I downloaded these pictures from Wikipedia some years back and I didn't write down names for some of the ladies, only half of "participants" in this project have names. In addition to the Austrian Empress Carolina Augusta and Austrian dancer Fanny Elssler, there are German singer Henriette Sontag, French painter Pauline Auzou and Caroline von Humboldt, wife or daughter (both had the same name) of a German philosopher Wilhelm von Humboldt. Others were very likely members of European royal and noble families.
Zdaj pa odgovor na vprašanje, ki si ga verjetno marsikdo zastavlja: zakaj imata Carolina Augusta in Fanny ob strani rožici, ostale pa ne? Odgovor: tehnični razlogi.
Pauline Auzou, francoska slikarka |
And why do Fanny and Carolina Augusta have flowers on their frames? Technical reasons.
Complete Album can be seen on my Flickr page (link on the right).
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